Our family has treasured memories of spending our summers in a rustic family cabin in the Mount Rainer area of Washington State. Our Grandpa, along with his brothers built this special cabin many years ago. A lush green forest surrounded this true log cabin built for the generations to come.
Making our trek to Washington from California isn’t always an easy task. Although our modern cabin home is not the same, the future memories built here now in Shaver Lake will bring similar joy as we feel for the log cabin. We hope you can start your family tradition here at our Foxtail Cabin too!
Please be courteous to us on canceling unless there is a very good reason!
It would be very unlikely we can rebook your canceled dates last minute.
Useful information for your stay
Check-In Time: 2:00PM
Check-Out Time: 12:00PM
Cabin Sleeps 8
For Invited Guests Only - Not for General Public Use
Please inquire about Pets
Any guests under the age of 21 must be accompanied by an adult guardian or parent.
Professional Housecleaner: Professional housecleaning is available at a very reasonable rate. Please inquire on details of that and a possible option for you to “self-clean.”